Monday 19 May 2014

TNB Untung RM4.6b! Kenapa??

Ramai bertanya kenapa TNB untung berbillion - billion tapi masih mahu naikkan tarif electrik?
Di bawah adalah jawapan nya:
Tahukah anda bahawasanya kos Penyelenggara infrastruktur baru , maintenance and capital expenditure (capex) yg perlu di tanggung oleh TNB utk jangka masa 4 tahun mendatang (2014 - 2017) adalah RM 8.4 billion setahun !!
Tahukah kamu 90% dari perbelanjaan ini adalah dari CAPEX.
Tahukah kamu bahawa pemintaan penggunaan bekalan elektrik meningkat sebanyak 3.3% setiap tahun?
Tahukah kamu bahawa keuntungan TNB pada tahun 2013 adalah RM 4.6 billion !!
Tahukah kamu Total hutang TNB yg di bawa dari tahun 2013 adalah RM 22 billlion.
Knp CAPAEX bagi TNB begitu tinggi?.. Ini kerana ianya bertujuan untuk :
1. Maintain kabel- kabel elektrik dan menambah kabel2 baru seluruh Malaysia akibat di curi & di patuk oleh pemakan2 dedak..
2. Membina transformer dan maintain distributor stations.
3. Membina power generation yg baru.. Yang mana kita tahu penggunakan elektrik di Malaysia bertambah dan terus bertambah akibat pernambahan industry di Malaysia.. Untuk memastikan bekalan ini cukup.. TNB terpaksa membuat pelaburan yg besar ini.. Jika tidak.. Pertumbuhan ekonomi negara tak berkembang dengan baik...

the tariff hike was inevitable because 85 percent of TNB's costs were fuel costs, and fuel prices have been increasing. Go look at the world oil price TREND over the past 12 years.

The profits from Tenaga was also due to the subsidies of GAS prices to the IPPs and Tenaga.

Much of Tenaga's 2013 profit is from a strengthening ringgit last year (coz some of TNB's long-term debt are in USD) and also from a surprise decline of 20% of coal prices.

Did you look at TNB's profits in 2008-2012?

As Lim Guan Eng said.. more expensive rates means less wastage and more careful usage - when he doubled the water price in Penang.

gambar hiasan

TNB atau IPP tdk pernah mendapat subsidi lansung dari kerajaan. IPP cuma dapat harga yang murah dari harga pasaran iaitu rm13 lbih murah dari harga pasaran sekitar purata rm44/juta mmbtu. Harga Gas adalah tdk sperti harga minyak mentah. Gas lebih ditentukan oleh penjual/pengilang. gas yang petronas jual kepada Jepun adalah berbeza harga nya dari y mereka jual kepada Korea Selatan. Semuanya bergantung kepada kapasiti, volume dan margin yang mereka perolehi menerusi kerjasama jangka panjang.

IPP tidak membuat untung dari harga ini sebaliknya dgn diskaun ini kerajaan membuat perjanjian untuk mengawal harga tarif elktrik pada harga pling munasabah. 

jika tiada diskaun ini apakah anda yakin harga tariff kekal seperti sekarang? atau tidak ada IPP yang mahu menjana tenaga untuk TNB. Ini akan membiarkan TNB dan kerajaan terkapai2 mencari dana sendiri untuk mebina stesen janakuasa dan lebih banyak wang rakyat digunakan cuma fokus terhadap industri tenaga. sudah pasti kemudahan lain jadi terhad. taburan elektrik juga terhad karana jika cuma kerajaan melaksanakan industri ini, maka ianya akan jadi perlahan. sama seperti di sarawak, bila sesco sahaja y terlibat dan swasta tiada keinginan utk masuk sbb kapasiti penguna sedikit. 

sebagai contoh, jika cuma gov sahaja yang terlibat dalam tenaga, katakan, setahun cuma mampu membuat 3-4 loji tenaga baru. tetapi dengan kerjsama swasta kerajaan dapat membina lebih banyak dan ini pasti menarik pelabur bila mreka mgetahui dasar ini tidak akan menyebabkn 'shortage'. Bila mana, kapasiti elektrik sentiasa boleh ditambah dengan pantas. 

harus kita tahu juga, bukan semua tenaga dijana oleh IPP. TNB juga membuat tenaga sendiri. rujuk dalam suruhajyata tenaga kapasiti yang TNB hasilkan adalah lebih kurang 30% dari total tenaga dan kebanyakan loji tnb mengunakan arang batu.

perkembangan jumlah tenaga yang terhad juga menghad pelaburan seterusnya myebabkan tiada peluang pekerjaan untuk rakyat. Iya, harga lbih murah jika gov yang usahakan tenaga tetapi apa guna murah jika pelabur tdk masuk. tidak ada kerja. 
oleh itu, ini diatasi oleh kerajaan dengan memperkenalkan tariff yang berbeza untuk industri dan domestik. tariff industri hampir 50% lebih tggi dari domestik. 

ini yg berlaku di banyak negara apabila pengawalan mereka terhadap industri strategik sperti tenaga dan air serta jalan raya terlampau ketat. kadar perkembangan kemudahan ini menjadi terhad atas dasar tidak mahu membebankn penguna dengan harga yang sedikit tinggi. bukan sahaja tidak mahu membebankan penguna, malah situasi negara mereka juga tidak sesuai. dengan ekonomi yang terhad, kenaikan mendadak akan melumpuhkan sistem mereka. tetapi negara ini sudah mula mengorak langkah dgn membenarkan kerjasama swasta lebih besar lagi atau nama popularnya dasar 'kapitalis'. antara negara y mnolak fahaman ini dulu adalah china dan indonesia serta vietnam. lebih lama dulu adalah korea. kini mereka mula terbuka. korea sudah lebih mendahului bila melihat jepun berjaya.

arrgghhhh...penat tangan menaip. saya tidak berminat untuk menjadi keyboard warrior tetapi apa guna kita bepelajaran tinggi jika tidak mampu berfikir dan mendalami bagaimana dunia ini berfungsi. Dunia ini bukan tempat kita bergembira sakan. banyak liku2 hidup yang perlu kita tempuhi. ada yang berjaya ada yang tidak. malah ada yang menjadi gila! banyak yang tawarkan saya menjadi keyboard warrior samada di srawak mahupun di semanjung tetapi saya mengundurkan diri sbb prinsip saya bukan begitu. sekurang-kurangnya bukan sekarang. dan saya tidak mahu terikat. Terima Kasih!


Monday 17 February 2014

Taib Mahmud, Dr M, Tok Guru, Ku Li - Kuasa Politik Malaysia

Diolah dari Sinar Harian 02/08/2014

Rekod pemegang lama dalam jawatan, sukar dipecah 50-100 tahun lagi. Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud. Selepas 33 tahun memerintah, akhirnya turun menyerah takhta. BN hilang pemimpin mentor. Sarawak hilang Ketua Menteri hebat dalam perpaduan. Pembangkang hilang modal pilihanraya. 

Di Mesir mereka ada firaun (pharoahs), Hosni Mubarak, Anwar el- Sadat, Gamal Abdel Nasser dan sekarang Field Marshal Abdul Fattah el-Sisi yang saya jangka akan memerintah lama!

Di Amerika Congress telah meminda perlembagaan setelah Presiden Franklin Roosevelt dari Parti Demokratik yang amat popular itu kerana dasarnya yang radikal untuk rakyat biasa iaitu the New Deal memenangi Rumah Putih empat kali berturut-turut 1933-1945 dan kalau dia tidak meninggal dunia tahun 1945 akan memenangi pilihan raya  presiden seterusnya.

Kini Presiden Amerika Syarikat hanya boleh menduduki Rumah Putih selama lapan (8) tahun maksimum.

Di UK, Singapura dan kita pemegang jawatan perdana menteri serta menteri besar dan ketua menteri tidak ada had- bisa memanaskan kerusi empuk sehingga mati kalau parti mereka bersetuju atau mereka berundur secara sukarela seperti Dr Mahathir, Nik Aziz Nik Mat dan Taib Mahmud.  

Dr Mahathir bersara sebagai PM selepas 22/23 tahun (1981-2003), Taib Mahmud berhenti sebagai Ketua Menteri Sarawak selepas 33 tahun (1981- 2014), Tok Guru Nik Aziz telah berkhidmat selama 23 tahun sebelum mengundur diri sebagai Menteri Besar Kelantan (1990 -2013). Sementara Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah masih MP Gua Musang 40 tahun berturut-turut dalam satu kawasan.

Nampaknya dia boleh die in office yakni dia bisa memegang jawatan sehingga meninggal dunia kalau itulah pilihannya. Lim Kit Siang juga lama dalam Parlimen tetapi di dalam beberapa kawasan di berbagai negeri.

Wan Mokhtar Ahmad memegang jawatan Menteri Besar Terengganu selama 25 tahun sehingga dikalahkan pada tahun 1999. Mereka ini, suka duka, manusia luar biasa- Speaking describes them as remarkable human beings!

Saya tidak jangka rekod mereka boleh dipecahkan selama 50-100 tahun lagi kecualilah Malaysia menjelma menjadi sebuah dictatorship, absolute monarchy atau sistem kepimpinannya ala Ayatollah di Iran.  

Di Mesir tentera campur tangan dalam politik semenjak revolusi anti - monarki tahun 1952. Di negara kita agama, bahasa dan perkauman agenda, isu terpenting dalam politik dan pilihan raya.

Cerdik pandai dan penganalisis politik Barat -juga dua tiga kerat orang kita- menyangka Mohamad Morsi dari Ikhwanul Muslimun atau Muslim Brotherhood akan berkuasa berdekad lama seperti Hosni Mubarak.

Pemerintahan Morsi pendek kerana dia “diguling” oleh tentera dengan sokongan rakyat yang tidak mahunya memerintah seolah-olah dia khalifah. Kalaupun el-Sisi tidak lama berkuasa seperti Anwar el- Sadat dibunuh dan Hosni Mubarak penggantinya dilucut jawatan saya yakin penggantinya seorang jeneral yang lain. 

Di Sarawak Taib merupakan pemimpin penuh kontroversi. Pelbagai tuduhan rasuah dan penyalahgunaan kuasa. Dituduh mengkayakan keluarganya. Jelas, itu semua benar tapi persoalannya cara dia melakukannya begitu halus sekali sehingga pihak pembangkang dan NGO sekadar mampu menuduh tanpa bukti kesalahan yang jelas. SPRM pun pening bagaimana nak mulakan kertas siasatan. Jangan kita lupa Taib pernah berkata, 'orang cerdik akan jadi kaya'. 

Tetapi kemajuan sarawak dibawah pimpinanya terutama 10 tahun kebelakangan ini kelihatan begitu rancak walaupun bukan di segenap negeri. Score berjaya menarik berbilion2 perlaburan dan telah menyesakan bandar Bintulu. Taib juga ternyata berjaya dengan konsep Sarawak for Sarawakian apabila begitu minimum penglibatan syarikat besar proksi UMNO di bumi kenyalang ini. 

Hasil minyak, Tunku Abdul Rahman ternyata telah mendahului Taib dengan perjanjian-perjanjian yang lansung tidak menguntungkan Sarawak. Saya rasa semua pembaca bersetuju jika Taib yang berkuasa pada ketika itu, minyak kita akan kekal Sarawak for Sarawakian. Apabila Petronas berkuasa, semua kaki dan tangan mereka bawak dari seberang menafikan peluang anak tempatan. Pekerja cleaner pelantar minyak pun mereka angkut dari sana. Penulis kecewa!

Dr M juga begitu. Pemimpin yang sangat opportunis. Pemimpin yang bijak mengunakan cara halus memajukan keluargannya dan orang melayu. Pemimpin ini sangat Melayu! Dibawahnya orang cina sentiasa tunduk! Dibawah Dr M melayu Tan Sri lahir dengan begitu mendadak. Dr M dan Taib dua pemimpin yang beperwatakan sama. Saling memahami antara satu sama lain. Taib diam, Dr M diam. Taib kaya Dr M kaya.

Di negara kita setakat ini (57 tahun) tiada hujan politik tengah hari lagi di peringkat nasional- berapa lama lagi situasi ini akan berterusan?

Seperti kata P Ramlee:

Andainya (dia) dapat mengubah
Tetap ku terima...
Tapi tak berdaya
Ku sangka panas sampai kepetang
Rupanya hujan di tengah hari.

Itulah nasib yang dialami legenda dan ikon Melayu- P Ramlee. Nasib tragis ini bisa berlaku pada kita jika kerajaan dan Melayu Islam tidak berubah segera.

Ku Li mungkin tidak kesempatan jadi perdana menteri tetapi dia tercatat pemegang rekod MP terlama berkhidmat continuously without any break.

Dan nampaknya kata Speaking he would go on and on and on. Kalau pun Kit Siang tidak dapat jawatan yang diidaminya, timbalan perdana menteri dan menteri dalam negeri kepada Anwar Ibrahim dia seperti Ku Li MP lama berkhidmat dan nampaknya will go on and on from one state to another.

Buku terbaharu tentang Anwar. Tajuknya ANWAR IBRAHIM Evolution Of A Muslim Democrat... and Prime minister -in- waiting oleh Charles Allers, penerbitan Monsoon 2014.

Kononnya ramai manusia- dalam dan luar negara- mahu sangat Anwar menggantikan Najib sebelum atau selepas PRU14. Baca buku ini yang berharga RM49.90 mempunyai 335 muka surat. Sama dengan harga sepinggan nasi lemak dan secawan kopi/ teh di hotel 5 bintang  atau di restoran butik.
Kenapa di sana-sini nampaknya ramai rakyat semua bangsa, Cina terutamanya, amat benci kepada kerajaan sekarang? Saya tanya beberapa Tan Sri Cina dalam perayaan Tahun Baru Cina sebuah think tank kenapa mereka benci kerajaan- anda sudah kaya dan Tan Sri pula?

Jawab mereka dalam berbagai idiom tapi maksudnya sama sahaja: "because of crushed hopes”- kurang lebih kerana harapan mereka kepada Najib hancur berderai. Tetapi hati saya bersahaja berkata, anda melihat ini sebagai peluang mendapatkan betis dan peha. 

Beberapa Tan Sri Melayu merumuskan, “Melayu Islam dan Peribumi benci kepada kerajaan kerana terlampau sangat bertolak ansur- kera di hutan disusu dan anak di atas riba letih kelaparan dan dahaga.” Seorang dua tetamu India senyum, geleng kepala sambil bermadah "Right, right. That’s correct”.

Macai-macai tersenyum ketawa. 

Ringkasannya selagi perkauman, bahasa, agama dan pembahagian kekayaan negara dan ekonomi dan jurang perbezaan pendapatan di antara kaum terus menjadi isu besar dalam politik dan selagi kontrak sosial dikecam selama itulah polarisasi di antara kaum terus wujud dan keharmonian sebenar tidak akan terjalin.

Dulu mereka menerima kontrak sosial kerana Umno dan kerajaan kuat walaupun Pas pembangkang. Situasi telah bertukar, Umno tidak lagi kuat dan seperti ditegaskan oleh Jocelin Tan dalam komentarnya dalam The Star minggu lepas Umno is not going to Sarawak because it is busy fighting for its survival in Peninsular Malaysia. How true. Pas kini anggota ketiga dalam troika pembangkang.  

Berbalik kepada buku Anwar Ibrahim. Buku ini mengisahkan  bekas aktivis pelajar dan Islam menjadi elitist, insider dan pemimpin kedua dalam kerajaan konservatif ke penjara; kini seorang outsider dan ketua pembangkang menunggu tanpa sabar lagi untuk menduduki Sri Perdana yang dibina semasa dia anggota kerajaan, kalau boleh sebelum PRU14 atau selewat-lewat selepasnya.

Secara peribadi, penulis merasakan Anwar seorang pemimpin yang begitu terdesak. Kenyataannya sering kali berputar-putar. Pemimpin yang boleh menghasilkn 'letupan' bila-bila masa kerana dasarnya begitu memihak kepada golangan jelata disokong pula oleh sang Cina. Dibuang dari Umno menyebabkan dia berhabis daya membalas dendam sanggup tergadai apa sahaja. 

Apa pun politikus dan pemimpin Umno/BN harus membacanya. Know thy enemy. Tidak rugi membaca walaupun begitu kita harus berwaspada tatkala membaca sebuah biografi seperti kata Mark Twain, “Biographies are but the clothes and buttons of the man- the biography of the man himself cannot be written”. Maknanya sebuah biografi hanya pakaian dan butang seluar dan baju seseorang; cerita sebenar orang itu tidak bisa ditulis.  


Tuesday 10 December 2013

Private Retirement Schemes Atau Skim Persaraan Swasta

Private Retirement Schemes atau Skim Persaraan Swasta adalah berbeza dari skim pencen kerajaan. Skim ini bersifat pelaburan dn diuruskan pelbagai syarikat kewangan antaranya; AmInvestment Management Sdn Bhd, AIA Pension and Asset Management Sdn. Bhd, CIMB- Principal Asset Management Bhd, Hwang Investment Management Berhad, Manulife Asset Management Services Bhd, Public Mutual Bhd, RHB Investment Management Bhd, Kenanga Investors Bhd.
 Skim ini diberi nama pencen bsandarkan pgeluaran dana terkumpul selepas bersara. Skim ini adalah skim tambahan kepada KWSP. Pada dasarnya PRS menyediakan dana untuk individu melabur dengan tujuan mencarum terhadap pencen. Seperti KWSP, ia juga membenarkan majikan membuat sumbangan. Namun, penyertaan dalam PRS adalah sukarela dan memberi lebih kefleksibelan dan opsyen pelaburan. Harus diingat skim ini ada risiko dan manfaat dan beberapa syarat antaranya akan dikenakan cukai jika dikeluarkan scra myeluruh. 
Cukainya dikatakan shingga 26% (cukai pendapatan, Rujuk LHDN utk tahu range2 cukai mgikut pendapatan tahunan). 
Kelihatan sperti sgt merugikan myertai skim ini, tetapi setelah aku membaca sdkit mgenai risiko dn kelebihan skim ini ianya mmpunyai kelebihan sbnrnya. 
Melalui blog2 peribadi agen2 Skim ini, mreka mgatakan keuntungan boleh mencecah 20% dlm bntuk dividen tahunan. mnkin itu cuma utk promosi, ambik cntoh dpt dividen setiap tahun 8%..dn jika tidak dikeluarkn sekaligus ianya boleh mnjana keuntungan. 

Pointnya disini, Skim ini tidak lebih dari sekadar produk kewangan baru sektor kewangan swasta. Usah dikelirukan, skim ini bukan skim dibawah kerajaan tetapi skim ini dimasukan kedalam Akta Pasaran Modal dan Perkhidamatan 2007 bg membolehkan skim ini diawasi dan diselia oleh Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia sbb skim ni bkn skim cepat kaya... 

Mengira Manfaat Skim Persaraan Swasta

Prestasi untuk pelan-pelan PRS, ditentukan oleh sesuatu yang dipanggil Nilai Aset Bersih (NAB). Apabila Membuat Caruman, Anda Sebenarnya Membeli Unit Berdasarkan NAB. 

Pertama sekali, fahami bahawa bila anda memutuskan untuk membuat caruman dalam pelan PRS, anda sebenarnya membeli jumlah unit yang tertentu menggunakan formula ini:
Jumlah Unit = Caruman Anda / NAB
- Katakan anda mencarum RM1,000 kepada satu pelan PRS.
- Jika NAB pelan RM 1, anda akan memiliki 1000 unit pelan tersebut (RM1,000 / RM1).
- Jika NAB pelan RM 2, anda akan memiliki 500 unit pelan tersebut (RM1,000 / RM2).
Contoh-contoh Untung / Rugi NAB:
- Anda memiliki 500 unit pelan PRS dengan NAB RM2. Akaun anda bernilai RM2 X 500 unit = RM1,000.
- Jika NAB tersebut naik ke RM3, akaun anda kini bernilai RM3 X 500 unit = RM1,500.
- Jika NAB tersebut turun ke RM1, akaun anda kini bernilai RM1 X 500 unit = RM500
Tetapi, harus kita ingat jumlah unit yang anda akan beli bergantung kepada NAB pada masa tersebut.
- Berdasarkan kepada anggapan awal yang anda mencarum RM1,000 untuk melabur dalam 500 unit dalam pelan PRS yang bermula dengan NAB RM2.
- Katakan anda membuat keputusan selepas tempoh tertentu untuk membuat caruman tambahan RM1,000 bila NAB naik ke RM4.
- Jumlah unit baru yang anda beli = RM1,000 / RM4 = 250 unit. Digabungkan dengan caruman-caruman awal anda, akaun anda kini bernilai RM4 X 750 unit = RM3,000.
Sesekali, penyedia PRS anda boleh mengisytiharkan bayaran dividen ke atas pelan PRS anda. Bila ini berlaku, NAB pelan PRS anda dikurangkan berdasarkan nilai dividen-dividen tersebut.
- Katakan satu pelan PRS dengan NAB RM4 mengisytiharkan dividen RM1 per unit.
- Jika anda memegang 750 unit, anda akan menerima RM1 X 750 unit = RM750.
- Dividen RM1 per unit ditolak daripada NAB pelan PRS tersebut, dengan itu, NAB bagi akaun tersebut kini RM4 – RM1 = RM3.
- Oleh itu, akaun anda kini bernilai RM3 X 750 unit = RM2,250.
Dari sini lah keuntungan kita dapat. stelah ditolak dividen (aktiviti pengambilan untung), NAB akan turun tetapi unit anda masih kekal pada kuantiti yang sama. Jika NAB ini mningkat semula melebihi nilai belian atau caruman, maka anda akan mendapat keuntungan semula. Diatas itu cuma pengiraan sahaja, agak mustahil untuk syarikat penyedia memberi dividen rm1 seunit bg harga belian asal RM1/unit. itu bmakna untung anda 100%. dividen mungkin dalam beberapa sen sahaja seunit. NAB anda turun naik berdasarkan prestasi kewangan syarikat penyedia yang kebanyakannya akan melabur di bursa2 saham. mereka pula mendapat keuntungan kerana pelaburan mereka mempunyai 'leverage'. 

Faktor-Faktor Risiko

Peraturan terpenting pelaburan ialah bila memilih produk yang mensasarkan pulangan tinggi, kita mendedahkan diri kepada risiko tiada pulangan yang menguntungkan (atau kemungkinan juga kehilangan wang), terutama sekali dalam tempoh yang singkat. Apa y saya fahami, PRS ini mepunyai beberapa pelan. untuk memudahkn pemahaman saya akan kelaskn kepada 3: Agresif, Sederhana dan Kurang Agresif. Ini adalah mnkin dintentukan oleh nilai2 leverage y dbuat yang kebiasaanya dibahagi kepada 2 akaun oleh penyedia PRS didalam perlaburan meraka. Agresif sesuai utk pelabur muda yang mana anda mempunyai masa yang panjang sebelum bersara dn jika ada kerugian anda akan dapat atasinya dgn keuntungan2 mendatang. Bagi yang hampir bersara, pelaburan anda terdedah kepada bahaya tidak mendapat cukup masa untuk 'recovery' sekiranya sesuatu berlaku kepada perlaburan anda. Dalam pelan Agresif, nilai NAB diberi pda nilai y agak tinggi dan dividen juga tinggi. dividen yang tinggi akan memaksa nilai NAB anda susut jauh dan memerlukan keuntungan yang tinggi untuk recover balik kepada nilai belian. 
Dengan PRS, anda mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan pendekatan anda bergantung kepada kedudukan anda dalam peringkat hidup anda sekarang. Sebagai contoh: semakin dekat anda dengan tempoh persaraan, semakin cenderung anda untuk melabur dalam pelan PRS yang kurang agresif; kerana anda tidak mampu untuk merisikokan wang persaraan anda bila anda mempunyai masa yang singkat untuk pulih daripada kerugian.
Seperti mana-mana pelaburan di pasaran, keuntungan PRS adalah tidak dijamin. Walaupun semua pelan PRS dirangka untuk meraih pulangan maksima berdasarkan kepada kriteria pelaburan mereka, tiada yang boleh menghalang Nilai Aset Bersih pelan PRS daripada menurun (atau menjulang tinggi) disebabkan oleh keadaan pasaran. 
Terakhir dan paling penting sekali adalah nilai Akaun PRS anda tidak dijamin, caruman-caruman yang anda buat kepada pelan PRS juga tidak dilindungi. Secara ringkasnya, ini bermakna sentiasa ada risiko yang anda akan kehilangan wang yang anda carumkan bertahun-tahun jika keadaan pasaran yang teruk berlaku. Ini adalah bezanya skim ini dengan KWSP. KWSP adalah dijamin oleh kerajaan dan untuk KWSP mgalami kerugian adalah amat rendah kerana caruman KWSP diwajibkn. Ini bermakna KWSP sentiasa mempunyai kitaran kewangan yang kukuh. KWSP juga bersifat tidak agresif dimana ianya tidak banyak terlibat dalam pasaran kewangan. KWSP lebih kepada menjadi penyedia dana. 

Friday 25 October 2013

Kadar tukaran asing, Inflasi, Cetakan Duit, Rizab

ekonomi ni mnarik utk dperhalusi. knp tidak duit dicetak dgn bnyk bg kt rakyat? knp mesti USD1=rm3. bgaimana rate ini bleh berubah dlm skelip mata? apa kepentingan rizab hmpir 500bilion? bgaimana ekonomi dijana sdgkn duit tak boleh dicetak dgn sesuka hati? apa makna sbnr inflasi? byk y mampu mpengaruhinya. analogi mudah, smkin laku barang smkin tinggi nilainya, begitu juga RM. nilainya ditentukan oleh permintaan. permintaan pula dlm bentuk dagangan. smkin byk dagangan smkin byk permintaan dn keadaan ini myebabkn pemain kewangan iaitu bank menaikkn nilai RM. bgitu juga sbaliknya. bank negara pula btindak sbgai pembekal (pencetak) wang. terlampau bnyak cetak myebabkn pnurunan nilai matawang (situasi demand kurang, brang bnyak myebabkn sesuatu tpaksa dilelelong dan ini dipanggil Inflasi). oleh itu bank negara akan cuba mgawal mnerusi faedah. pembelian matawang hanya akan membeli jika faedah tinggi dn ini myelamatkan nilai matawang dri mnurun dn sebaliknya. sbb itu faedah tdk boleh terlalu tinggi tdk boleh terlalu rndah utk adjust 'money demands'. rizab matawang asing pula berfungsi sbgai bekalan di hari 'darurat' andaikata matawang tempatan sdh terlmpau rndah atau tggi berbanding dgn matawang antarabangsa utk aktiviti perdagangan. dn ini dpt mgelak spekulasi ditimbulkn atau dlm erti kata lain utk mengukuhkan mtawang lokal dri dikawal oleh spekulator. tapi nilai matawang bkn shja dikawal oleh dagangan (business) tetapi perkara lain y boleh mewujudkan demand of money sperti purchase power y brkaitrapat dgn pkerjaan, dagangan import export, pkembangan kdnk dn byk lagi. krjaan boleh mgecilkn nilai skop matawang dgn menetap kadar tukaran wang asing pda nilai y statik tetpi ini mrugikn negara dri segi import export dn juga myebabkn matawang kita lbh rendah dri nilai sbnr.

p/s: skdr perkongsian. tiada pendidikan rasmi dlm bidang ekonomi, jika salah boleh betulkn.

GST/VAT vs Sales Tax

With a sales taxes

With a 10% sales tax:
  • The manufacturer spends $1.00 for the raw materials, certifying it is not a final consumer.
  • The manufacturer charges the retailer $1.20, checking that the retailer is not a consumer, leaving the same gross margin of $0.20.
  • The retailer charges the consumer $1.50 + ($1.50 x 10%) = $1.65 and pays the government $0.15, leaving the gross margin of $0.30.
So the consumer has paid 10% ($0.15) extra, compared to the no taxation scheme, and the government has collected this amount in taxation. The retailers have not paid any tax directly (it is the consumer who has paid the tax), but the retailer has to do the paperwork in order to correctly pass on to the government the sales tax it has collected. Suppliers and manufacturers only have the administrative burden of supplying correct certifications, and checking that their customers (retailers) aren't consumers.
A large exception to this state of affairs is online sales. Typically if the online retail firm has no "presence" in the state where the merchandise will be delivered, no obligation is imposed upon the retailer to collect sales taxes from "out-of-state" purchasers. Generally, state law requires that the purchaser report such purchases to the state taxing authority and pay the sales tax. It is fair to say that many citizens are unaware of this obligation and that states make little effort to raise that awareness or provide a reasonably easy way of complying with the obligation.

With a value added tax

With a 10% VAT:
  • The manufacturer spends $1.10 ($1 + ($1 × 10%)) for the raw materials, and the seller of the raw materials pays the government $0.10.
  • The manufacturer charges the retailer $1.32 ($1.20 + ($1.20 × 10%)) and pays the government $0.02 ($0.12 minus $0.10), leaving the same gross margin of $0.20 ($1.32 – $0.02 – $1.10 = $0.20).
  • The retailer charges the consumer $1.65 ($1.50 + ($1.50 × 10%)) and pays the government $0.03 ($0.15 minus $0.12), leaving the same gross margin of $0.30 ($1.65 – $0.03 – $1.32 = $0.30).
  • The manufacturer and retailer realize less gross margin from a percentage perspective.
  • Note that the taxes paid by both the manufacturer and the retailer to the government are 10% of the values added by their respective business practices (e.g. the value added by the manufacturer is $1.20 minus $1.00, thus the tax payable by the manufacturer is ($1.20 – $1.00) × 10% = $0.02).
With VAT, the consumer has paid, and the government received, the same dollar amount as with a sales tax. The businesses have not incurred any tax themselves. Their obligation is limited to assuming the necessary paperwork in order to pass on to the government the difference between what they collect in VAT (output tax, an 11th of their sales) and what they spend in VAT (input VAT, an 11th of their expenditure on goods and services subject to VAT). However they are freed from any obligation to request certifications from purchasers who are not end users, and of providing such certifications to their suppliers.
On the other hand, they incur increased accounting costs for collecting the tax, which are not reimbursed by the taxing authority. For example, wholesale companies now have to hire staff and accountants to handle the VAT paperwork, which would not be required if they were collecting sales tax instead. If you calculate the added overhead required to collect VAT, businesses collecting VAT have less profits overall than businesses collecting sales tax.
The advantage of the VAT system over the sales tax system is that under sales tax, the seller has no incentive to disbelieve a purchaser who says it is not a final user. That is to say the payer of the tax has no incentive to collect the tax. Under VAT, all sellers collect tax and pay it to the government. A purchaser has an incentive to deduct input VAT, but must prove it has the right to do so, which is usually achieved by holding an invoice quoting the VAT paid on the purchase, and indicating the VAT registration number of the supplier.

p/s: implementari GST malaysia juga lbh kurang sama dgn GST kbnyakan negara. cuma kelainannya adalah tehdap jenis brg dn perhidmatan y dikecualikan. sy suka mencari dan baca dari sesuatu y ilmiah dn mempunyai sumber jelas dn harus stu bntuk kajian bkn pendapat semata2. 

Thursday 9 May 2013


Democracy dies now, or Democracy was long dead? - A citizen's overview on Malaysia's GE13 by Tai Zee Kin

(ADVISORY : this is very very very long. please do NOT read while driving. Please try to criticize me ONLY after you finish everything, and by the way, you are NOT allowed to quote one short line and attack me by that, whether you are BN , PR, or other party supporters, and for people with strong political affiliation, you are not encouraged to comment on this post , though legally you are allowed to).

Before this, I didn't want to comment much on this election. Election is the single most complicated and complex event that can happen in a country. No single, or in this context, multiple anecdotes would suffice to formulate a true and fair view or opinion in any election. An election would encompass more than anecdotes. It intertwines among Ideology, legal system, political system, economical factors, culture and religion aspects, morality, and of course, anecdotes of events. Sad to say, I think this election has blinded many people, whichever side they are on. you have Pakatan Rakyat's supporters, sympathizers, and members presenting anecdotes challenging the authenticity of electoral procedures. You then see Barisan Nasional's supporters and sympathizers countering anecdotes, and invoked some culture/religion factors to support their status quo. None of what they've done, (with the exception of few scholarly individuals like MR Rem Dambul or Wan Saiful Wan Jan ) would sum up the election in a holistic way.


First, what do you think of this statement (quoted from a friend whom i cannot remember who said it - identify yourself in the comment if it was you)

"The Election is fair, but the system is Not" - in relation to Gerrymandering and also popular votes ( alot of this are views influenced by Mr Rem Dambul)

let's start with Gerrymandering and Popular votes. It is by far the most powerful claim to illegitimize Party Barisan Nasional's right to govern. The constituency boundaries drawing was drawn in such a way that it is harder for certain political parties to win, despite having more individual/indiscriminant supports from individual voter (popular vote winning).

It is very tempting, and to a huge extend, "True" to concede to this argument. However if you read upon what Political Scientist Dr Brian Rathbun (2007) has to say, this is a real conflict between "equality" and "fairness". Popular system (as opposed to the Electoral system), according to Dr Rathbun is mathematically too simplistic and doesn't take into account socio-economical factor, and further claimed that a country that implements a popular voting system, failed in practicing "Democracy" from two aspect :- Legislative aspect (1) and Sociological aspect (2).

before you roll your eyes and start to click away, do consider bearing with me for a little while (i will condemn the government, don't worry).

Take a simplistic (for the sake of the point) example, say, 60% of the electorates are urbanites, while remaining 40% are rural folks. In a popular voting system, government will only need to announce measures/policies/manifestos that would secure the 60% urbanites to win a popular vote. Reducing petrol price (assume that the consumption of petrol is minimal and insignificant in rural areas), Providing low cost housing for urban poors, or, using "English" as main medium of education which would excites alot of urbanites etc, will put the rural folks at a very disadvantaged position. Their voices NEED NOT be heard because they can never affect the winning of a government.

Whereas based on Dr Rathbun's ideology, the Electoral System factors in socio-economical considerations. Greatest theorist and jurist on "Democracy", one like Finis or Rawls pressumably (rawls is more direct) in their writings accorded a more holistic interpretation to democracy - that "Majority wins" is not the most essential aspect of democracy, there are rules against tyrannism, and eveyrone's interest (fundamental human rights) must be taken into consideration. ( Forgive me for quoting these names. I did law in UNI and SAD TO SAY that Jurisprudence was my favourite subject and my thesis/Dissertation was on democracy - spent one whole year writing on democracy alone and got a 68 (2:1) :_( sob

Electoral system effectively takes into account the interest of people not only as "individual", but also factors in sociological (rural urban), cultural (in Malyasia, perhaps Religion is factored in too), economical (poor, middle class, rich) and various others in the form of "WEIGHTAGE".

take another simplistic (please don't attack me for doing this, it's for the sake of the argument) view, KAPAR has 150,000 voters who are middle class and working class. their needs/wants/desire from the government are likened to those of urbanites.

on the other hand, you have people who stays in PADANG RENGAS, with , say, 35,000 voters who are farmers, fisherman, and working class.

Lets assume Malaysia only has 2 constituency, of KAPAR and PADANG RENGAS. in a Popular system, people of KAPAR shall dictate how policies are make through their MP/Government (they will win). the policies will then be purely targeting middle/upper income. People in PADANG RENGAS who are farmers will never get a say. their numbers are too low to make a different.

Look at Electoral System. if Malaysia practices Electoral System, you then can see People from PADANG RENGAS (after factoring in their socio-economical background), be given a say on how policies are made. At the end, you SACRIFICE EQUALITY, but in return you get FAIRNESS. (Rahtbun 2007)

you now then ask, which system should Malaysia , and as a matter of fact, the "World" adopt? Fairness, or equality (in respect to sociological, cultural, and economical background)?

most democratic country uses electoral system, in a WAY or ANOTHER.


can i shock you NOT with the result of USA Presidential Election in 2000

Republican George Bush won 50,456,002 of the total votes (47.9%)
Democrat Algore won 50,999,897 of the total votes (48.4%)

Cuba teka siapa yang menang sebagai Presiden Amerika Syarikat di tahun 2000.


why? because an electoral System entails , i reiterate, much more factors than just invidivual votes alone. and these "factors" is what we, as Malaysian, should really revisit.

In Australia, you have few states, each states has different numbers of popularion. however when it comes to SENATE, a powerful upper house which can veto supply bills, every state sends 12 reps from the governming parties (except Northern Territory). Which means in the Australian Senate, you have 12 Senators from the state of Victory, and also 12 Senators from the State of Western Australia, although Western Australia's popular voters (individuals) is significanly lesser than half of the population of Victoria.

Such are two good examples on how the world practices electoral voting system, at the expense of Popular vote :)

Having said that, this system allows the Politicians to ABUSE it's position in the parliament to freely "Interpret" these Socio-economical factors to justify or benefit their position and status quo.

As a result of adapting the Electoralthe constitution allows the Parliamentarians to re-draw the boundaries of constituencies every 10 years, allowing BAD Gerrymandring from happening. When Lord Reid and his fellow commissioners drafted the Constitution of Malaya and singapore in the House Of Lord, he did foresee that such abuse might happened.

The safeguard of this, in his lordship's view, was to impose a measure to prevent abuse.

The "two third majority" 2/3.

2/3 Majority is a DANGEROUS thing. it is of the founding father's view, that with a 2/3 majority, Parliamentarians can SAFELY reflect on the general/overview of the general people, factoring in socio-cultural-economica consideration at their best.

When people gave Barisan Nasional a 2/3, you also gave them a poison that would later on be developed into a vicious cycle of gerrymandering.

Since Barisan Nasional loses it's 2/3 in 2008, they can never then abuse the GerryMandering bit.

However, we must also know one thing.


Even a lay person can answer you that question

"why Kapar 150,000, and Putrajaya only 6000 voters?"

A COUSIN used to answer me : "Because Kapar all Chinese Indian majority ma, Putrajaya all Malay".

Gerrymandring effort is sooo simple becaue races in Malaysia became the most paramount and determining "Socio-cultural-economical" factoring when constituency lines are drawn.

Please reflect on this aspect. After 55 years, apart from blaming the government from dividing and ruling the races, have we actually put in ANY efforts ourselve to integrate and became 1 ? (maalysian malaysia, 1malaysia)? - ANOTHER TOPIC ANOTHER DAY.


Next, let's see allegation of "FRAUD and IRREGULARITIES".

I was vry upset by the fact that the indelible ink worn off SOOOO quickly after it was applied. instead of the 7 days, it naturally oxide and worn off in 2 days.

Like you, i was very tempted to shout "FRAUD FRAUD!!!!".

But unlike you i didn't. As a "Citizen Investigator yang bertauliah", I Investigate la!

BERSIH movement, when presenting on the need to use indelible ink, quoted India as example (for the purpose of my investigation, i've called two friends who are indian nationalstaying in delhi, and thai friend). I asked them, if the "indelible ink" they used, were "delible" or "indelible".

Guess what the answers were?

Nadeem told me (too bad he is not in facebook), Zee, if its really "indelible", you call it a TATOO not indelible ink!. It can be washed off very quickly. Nothing stays free from being washed off unless it's printed INTO your skin (tatoo).

Chanaron (who, unfortunately, is not in facebook either) told me it can be washed off easily as well, but he then poised me a cute question "WHY do you want to wash it off anyway? use tooth paste or chrolox if you have to but it's advisable to keep it".

the question is simple.

Indelible ink is never meant to be the only solution or preventive measure to prevent duplicated voting. it was SUPPOSE to make it more difficult for people to attempt double/triple voting.

The primary identification of voting history, is still your Identity card. (in US and UK, driving license, and it's so loose that so many British and american who are crazy supporters actually votes twice, thrice in the same day -bceause of the concept of registration of votership based on property ownership ) - DISCUSS the story another day but basically double/triple voting is a "norm" and "accpetable behaviour" in the UK election and US election. I KID YOU NOT!!!!!!!!!

as my boss Noorhaina Hirawani Mohd Noor correctly pointed out, indelible ink being washed off does NOT substantiate the claim of double/triple voting. The actual CRIME of the SPR is double voting. Not indelible ink being washed off. in Japanese election or Australia election, no Indelible inks are used, and does that automatically means that there are double/triple voting by one same person?

It is, the rakyat's very own perception of "DISTRUST towards the government" that made them think that the indelible ink being washed off is itself a component of electoral fraud.


SPR MUST be taken to task for their negligence too. they declared that the ink will stay for 7 days, but i suppose no one has their fingers showing blue now even though today is only the 5th day. This is unacceptable, and I am suspecting that the SPR is using LOW QUALITY INK. if i can gather evidence to substantiate my suspicioun, I will call MACC to report CORRUPTION by SPR. but unforunately i do not have evidence. if you do, and would love to contribute to the bettermen of malaysia, send your evidence . 


Foreigners voting in Malaysia - of BANGLAS and BANGLADESH NATIONALS.


THere are three views into this issue : Broad view, Narrow view and Extremist view. It is also advised that you read my previous blog on Bumiputra, for non bumiputra here ---> ( to understand better on what is about to come )

I start with the narrow view of "naturalized foreigners".

If a foreigner is naturalized in Malaysia according to our Article 14,15,16,16A,18,19 of our Federal Constitution, can you still call him a foreinger despite his look, and the way he speaks?

The first general election of Malaysia was in July 1955, and guess what, the real naturalization of Ethnic Chinese and Ethnic Indian only happened less than 5 years before that, in MASS. guess if there is a "foreigner hunting" exercize happening in 1955, it will be the Malay Citizen hunting for Chinese non citizen and indian non citizen. I INVITE you to imagine that scenario.

If one is satisfied in law to be a citizen of malaysia, regardless of his country or domicile of origin (china, india, bangladesh, myanmar), you treat him/her as Malaysians. don't you?


Netizens claimed that there was 600,000 Bangladesh Nationals voting in our GE. This claim was then re-iterated by certain political party's defacto leader in a wednesday mass gathering in Kelana Jaya.

it can only mean two things :-

1.) the Government gave Identity cards to the exisiting group of Bangladeshi (based on BBC report here , there are currently 500,000 bangladesh nationals working in Malaysia.


2.) The government Flies 600,000 Bangladesh Nationals from the Nation of Bangladesh into Malaysia during the election period.

point 1.) seems more plausible to me (i hope to you too) a claim for electoral fraud.

say, there are only 500,000 bangladesh nationals in Malaysia, to make them vote, means every Bangladesh workers in Malaysia are now holding IC.

Is that logical? I would think that it's not, but before you shout "Stupid Zee Kin, what about the Indonesians etc)

OK say half half la. Bangladesh half, Indonesian half.

it also means that every 1 in 2 Bangladesh you see in the street, should have indelible ink last sunday.

you should be able to post video of your security guards, the neighbourhood construction worker, 7-11 worker with indelible ink .

So far, from the Citizen Investigation effort, we only managed to see 19 claims of Foreinger, (mostly claim of Bangladesh national) in the internet.

secondly, if you say that there are 600,000 foreinger voting, there should be at least 100 Bangladeshi being seen/found/caught in each of the 6000 polling station (in total).

did you spot 100 Bangladeshi in your polling station? or 50, or 20? in EVERY polling station?

or you just saw it in the internet, one of the 29 videos/photos compiled?

Logically it doesn't make sense. even if you say, they only concentrate the foreingers in certain polling station, say, 50 grey seats amounting to 1000 that BN needs to win, each would have, what? 1000 Foreign Nationals?

Come On Malaysians. that 29 videos / photos is not good enough. you have between 50-1000 foreigners voting in EACH AND EVERY one of the 6000 polling stations in Malaysia, and you can only catch 29? try harder can?

and to play a devil advocacy against your logic, can these 29 foreigners be "planted" by certain political parties instead, to make you believe of their existence? and by believing in their existence, the issue of numbers and Magnitude DOES NOT matter to you anymore?


OK OK Ok la, for the sake of Tony Fernandez and MAS, i counter point 2.) also with a simple fact check.

To fly 600,000 foreign Nasionals INTO Malaysia during the election period, Air ASIA and MAS, AS WELL AS Malaysian Airports needs to STOP all their flights for 21 days, and use all their Boeing 737 and Airbus 330 (250 capacity) to travel between Bangladesh and Kuala Lumpur for an interval of 15 minutes per flight. then only you can fly in 600,000 Bangladesh Nationals to Malaysia in 21 days (stopping ALL other flights to ALL ROUTES). Of course, you will come and tell me, how about Penang Airport, KK airport, etc. ok lah. say if Penang airport or KK airport is to help to fly in these foreingers, you will see at least 50% of people in all three airports to be of Bangladesh Nationals for 21 days. and you can only produce, what? 10 photos of bangladesh nationals qui-ing up?

*the MRT project and housing projects already taken 1000 Bangladesh nationals as labour in the past year because.. akhem.. you don't want to do the juob ma. and you only have 10 photos. try harder fellow citizens!


BLACK OUT in Bentong?

to this respect, i would, on behalf of all 4480 Citizen Investigators, ridicule those who believed that there was a black out in Bentong.

To save your time, i have graphical supports in this post, as well as evidences accumulated to refute it. --->



As i wrote this, i got a call from my Brother Tai Zee How who confirmed that the Person seen in the video giving money to another person who showed him a slip, was a "payment allowance" for voters who travelled to vote. Logic will tell you ,there is NO way you can know whether one votes for who, and no person in their right mind would pay money for people who came out to vote, and then tell them "hey, i voted for u, PAY ME". why "voted"? because in the video, the person actually showed the slip!

for more justiciation, check out what Citizen Investigators have found based on group investigating effort.


OK, i shall not dwell more on fraud allegations simply because my fingers are tired. if you are really intersted in knowing the findings of Citizen Investigators on fraud allegation, visit

The next thing i want to talk about, is "Racial trend".

Najib was quoted saying that this election is a result of "Chinese Tsunami against Barisan Nasional".

I am very saddened by PM Najib's respond because he thinks that I tsunamied against him which i don't think i did (or i didn't?), but then is there any element of truth in what he says? yes and no. NO more than Yes. Yes less than No. No yes or no, it's Yes and no.

simplistic example are like "MCA lose 8 seats, UMNO win 10 seats"
popular example are like "Nett gain in Pakatan popular votes, means Malay tsunamied against Barisan too".
Anecdotal example are like "DAP won all 11 seats in Negeri Sembilan, but in the same state, PAS lose all 10 seats."

If you base your judgment solely on "popular vote swing", then i CONCUR with you. it's not a chinese tsunami, it's a TSUNAMI per se.

But anal political analyst and scientist would tell you , do not use "popular vote swing". use "electoral vote swing". face palm

however, if you decided to give face to political analyst or scientist, you will find out the following facts prompted PM Najib's statement :-

Underlying presumption (i stand correct to be rebutted)

1.) 91% (based on an unreliable resources, feel free to rebut with a more reliable source) of high chinese populated seats (ranked from higest ratio of chinese population to lowest) are contested by DAP

2.) rest mixed seats are taken by PKR and PAS. (malay/Sabah/sarawak indegenious majority/ high sabah/sarawak/ malay indegenious population).

and the result is

a.) DAP won 38 Seats, nett GAIN of 10 Seats compared to GE 12 (28 seats)
b.) PAS won 21 Seats, nett LOSS of 2 Seats compared to GE 12 (23 seats)
c.) PKR won 30 Seats, nett LOSS of 1 Seat compared to GE 12 (31 seats)

DAP gained 10 seats for contesting in 91% (pls rebut if u have better source) highest ranked Chinese population ratio seats, and have a net GAIN of 10 seats, PKR and PAS combined running in the rest, and have net LOSE of 3 seats.

I think that's what NAJIB meant by "Chinese Tsunami". he uses electoral system.

then again, i didn't agree with him.

I THINK as far as RACE is concerned, we go by individual. having that said, it's a URBAN tsunami with Chinese wave and ripple. CHinese factor is just Wave adn Ripples. not TSUNAMI!

As a conclusion, i think i am motivated to share with you two quotes.

1.) The unfairness does not lie in the election, but the system, a system that was crafted by our forefathers and the Reid Commissioners.

2.) The mentality of the Urbanites who voted against the chinese : it's not what they want FROM the government. it's what they want FOR the government.

Sekian, I rest my case , and my finger.

p/s: I just copy and paste from someone with facebook account name, Tai Zee Kin

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Isu Agama Di Malaysia

agama merupakan suatu y sensitif. tdk perlu mnunjukan sikap2 melampau scra terbuka. gunakan sluran y ada. mahu tdk mahu dlm konteks masyarakat majmuk perlu ada persefahaman antara agama. kristian perlu faham apa itu islam, islam perlu tahu apa itu kristian. begitu juga agama lain. apakah ini pluralisme? dlm agama pluralisme pd sy apabila seorang mnusia mengamalkn dua agama sekaligus. jika tiada pemahaman tntang agama lain better we dont talk about it. agama bukanlah sesuatu y kita boleh baca dri blog2 atau bhn bcaan lain atau pnulisan persendrian. agama juga bukan medium utk berpolitik. lebih baik dirujuk kpd mreka y benar arif. dan jgn kita lupa masing2 agama ada kitabnya tersendiri. ini lah perkara y selalu berlaku d negara luar, tidak mahu memahami agama lain shinggakn pertelingkahan y membawa kpd peperangan berlaku. bkn shja diantara dua agama berbeza ttp jg diantara mazhab2 dlm 1 agama y sama. media massa hrus mgawal tulisan mreka. itulah tugas editor. 

pd penilaian diri sndri sy melihat begitu byk persamaan antara kristian dn islam. umpamanya dua agama ini adik beradik. begitu juga dgn agama yahudi. mahu tdk mahu ini adalah hakikat walaupun ketiga2 agama melalui pergolakan berabad lamanya terutama di bumi arab. 

nasrani, islam dan yahudi ketiga2nya adalah agama dari langit. turun di bumi arab. diamalkan oleh org arab pda awalnya sblum bkembang ke dunia luar. saya percaya dari sini lah titik tolak begitu byk persamaan 'jln cerita', 'tokoh' dan 'terminology' didalam agama ini. 

senarai nabi/prophet dlm islam dn nasrani.
Adam = Adam, Idris = Enoch, Nuh = Noah, Hud = Eber, Saleh = Shelah, Ibrahim = Abraham, Lut = Lot, Ismail = Ishmael, Ishak = Isaac, Yaakub = Jacob, Yusuf = Joseph, Aiyub = Job, Syuaib = Jethro, Musa = Moses, Harun = Aaron, Daud = David, Sulaiman =Solomon, Ilyas= Elijah, Ilyasa = Elisha, Yunus = Jonah, Dzukifli=Ezekeil, Zakaria=Zechariah, Yahya= John the Baptist, Isa=Jesus, Muhammad 

Sekadar meluahkn pendapat. penulis bukan dari kalangan kristian, islam mahupn yahudi. sekadar nurkilan utk rnungan bersama. isu ini adalah sesuatu y sensitif. tidak salah jika kita sekadar berselisih pendapat tp suatu silap besar jika kita 'membakar' hati penganut agama lain.